By Joseph Ivimey

An Index

Compiled by M. T.Smith, 2004

The numeration such as "2.27" means Chapter 2 paragraph 27

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a Lasco, John 3.24
Abraham 4.38 4.39 4.41 5.11
Albigenses 2.13 2.17
Allen, Nathan 7.70
Aldgate 3.36
Alsop, Thomas 7.99
America 4.24
Amsterdam 4.1 4.2 4.20 6.17
Anabaptist/Anabaptists/Anabaptism 2.67 2.72 2.75 2.77 2.78
3.5 3.9 3.18 3.21 3.22
3.26 3.28 3.36 3.44 3.53
3.55 4.6 4.9 4.15 4.16
4.18 4.26 4.28 4.30 5.8
5.12 5.21 5.33 6.4 6.5
6.16 6.25 6.28 6.31 6.32
6.40 6.44 6.56 6.70 6.71
6.78 6.81 6.86 6.97 6.111
6.115 6.122 6.130 6.133 7.2
7.3 7.6 7.8 7.9 7.10
7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15
7.16 7.17 7.18 7.20 7.21
7.23 7.24 7.30 7.31 7.32
7.40 7.52 7.58 7.59 7.60
Antichrist(s) 2.63 4.9 4.37 4.46 6.22
Antinomians 6.40 6.130 6.133
Archbishop(s) 1.11 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
2.14 2.30 2.31 2.37 2.41
2.56 2.58 3.4 3.9 3.11
3.13 3.21 3.23 3.31 3.33
5.25 5.31 6.48
Arians/Arianism 4.15 4.18 4.22
Arminian(s) 4.2 4.12 5.23
Arminum, Council of 1.14
Arnheim 4.1
Arles, Council of 1.14
Arnold of Brescia 2.14
Askew, Anne 2.76 3.12
Augustin 1.18 1.19
Austin 1.2 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21
1.22 1.30 1.31 1.33 1.34
1.35 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44
1.46 1.47 1.50 2.26 2.30
Avow/Avowed/Avowing 3.29 6.67
Aylmer, Bishop 3.50 6.90 7.153


Babylon 4.27 4.37
Bachiler, John 6.74
Barrow 3.44
Ball, Stephen 2.47
Bancroft, Bishop 4.13
Bangor (Wales) 1.16 1.17 1.21 1.22 1.26
1.31 1.42
Baptism, Infant (paedobaptism) 2.18 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.26
2.40 2.41 2.42 2.43 2.45
2.66 3.5 3.7 3.23 3.29
3.44 3.47 4.2 4.3 4.8
4.16 4.17 4.29 4.46 5.10
5.14 5.15 6.25 6.27 6.30
6.35 6.36 6.44 6.50 6.69
6.72 6.74 6.81 6.93 6.111
6.112 7.135 7.142
Baptism, Believer's/Adult 2.21 2.22 2.24 2.25 2.40
2.66 3.5 3.16 3.23 3.29
4.2 4.3 4.4 4.6 4.9
4.10 4.16 4.18 4.23 4.26
4.28 4.37 5.4 5.8 5.10
5.15 5.22 6.26 6.27 6.60
6.66 6.75 6.76 6.97 6.98
6.99 6.120 7.71
Baptismal 3.55
Baptist/Baptist's 2.42 3.18 3.20 3.25 3.29
3.36 3.46 3.47 3.50 3.55
4.1 4.8 4.19 4.22 4.24
4.25 4.26 4.28 4.29 4.30
4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36 4.45
4.47 5.2 5.3 5.6 5.8
5.9 5.10 5.19 5.20 5.23
5.24 5.34 6.4 6.5 6.11
6.15 6.16 6.23 6.24 6.25
6.28 6.30 6.34 6.39 6.44
6.49 6.56 6.64 6.65 6.78
6.79 6.80 6.89 6.97 6.99
6.100 6.110 6.124 7.2 7.52
7.53 7.58 7.59 7.61 7.62
7.64 7.66 7.72 7.74 7.124
7.126 7.129 7.134 7.136 7.137
7.138 7.142 7.143
Baptist Church(es) 2.28 5.2 5.3 5.7 6.11
6.16 6.119 7.64 7.72
Baptist's, American 6.139
Baptist's, English 5.2 5.10 5.16 6.141
Baptisit's, Irish 7.61 7.62
Baptist's, General 4.45 5.2 5.23
Baptist's, German 4.4 6.28
Baptist's, Particular 6.57
Baptist's, Welsh 2.27 2.47 7.66
Baptized 1.30 1.34 1.35 1.44 1.46
2.17 2.19 2.21 2.22 2.24
2.25 2.38 2.39 2.40 2.67
2.68 2.69 2.70 2.73 3.17
3.38 4.4 4.6 4.8
4.9 4.18 4.20 4.37 4.40
5.8 5.9 5.11 5.15 5.19
5.20 5.21 5.22 6.16 6.26
6.44 6.49 6.66 6.67 6.69
6.82 6.99 6.100 6.101 6.103
6.112 6.121 6.127 6.128 7.6
7.65 7.71 7.86 1.141 7.142
Barb(s) (Waldensian Pastor) 2.5 2.14 2.26
Barber, Mr. Edward 6.25 6.26
Barebone, Mr. P.(Praise-God) 6.15 6.16 6.18 6.19 6.20
Barnes 2.52
Bartlet, Richard 7.69
Barrow 3.44 3.48
Bastwick, Mr. 5.25
Batte, John 5.15
Baxter, Richard 6.42 6.77 6.79 6.97 6.99
6.100 6.101 6.115 6.116 6.120
6.121 6.122 6.123 7.59 7.136
7.142 7.145 7.146 7.154
Bede 1.12 1.15 1.16 1.41 1.44
Berengarians 2.4 2.14
Berengarius 2.14 2.23 2.43
Bernard, St. 2.17 2.24
Bible(s) 2.38 2.79 3.14 3.33 5.9
6.11 6.114
Bible, Cranmer's 2.79
Biddle, John 7.26 7.29 7.30 7.31 7.135
Bishops 3.9 3.31 3.32 4.5 4.27
5.28 5.31 6.2 6.11
Bishop of Rome 1.18 1.19 2.9
Blacklock, Samuel 5.15 5.21
Blackwell, Elidad 6.94
Blackwood, Mr. 7.61 7.62 7.81 7.85 7.99
7.123 7.124
Blount, Richard 5.15 5.21
Bohemia 2.8 2.9 2.11 2.38 2.39
Bohemians 2.8
Bonner, Bishop 3.4
Booth, Abraham 6.98
Boucher, Joan 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.21 5.2
Boulton, Thomas 7.79 7.98
Bowes, Robert 7.68 7.69 7.118 7.121
Bradg, John 7.69
Bradwardine, Dr Thomas 2.27 2.30 2.31 2.32
Britons 2.29 2.53
Brecknock 2.28
Brewer, Mr. 5.27
Brewster, Joseph 2.74
Bristil 6.34
Brixiensis, Arnoldus 2.23
Brook, Lord Robert 6.81
Brownists 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.8 4.12
4.15 4.16 4.18 5.33 6.11
6.17 6.24 6.86
Brown, Joseph 2.74
Brown, Robert 4.2
Bruit, Edward 7.69
Brute, Walter 2.27 2.47 2.49 2.51 2.52
Bucer, Martin 3.24
Burial 5.15 5.34 6.11 6.14 6.127
Burgess, Dr. 6.41
Burnet, Bishop 7.55
Burroughs, Jeremiah 6.67
Burton, Mr. 5.25


Caesar 1.3 1.36 2.78
Caissord, Claudius 2.25
Calvin, John 3.4
Calvinist(s)/ Calvinistic 5.23 6.60
Cambridge 2.65 3.14 3.24 3.33 6.13
Canne, Mr. John 6.11 6.17 6.34
Carcherol, Phil 7.100
Canterbury 1.19 2.55 3.33 5.2 5.31
Carter, Thomas 7.70 7.74
Catechism(s)/Catechizing 6.114 7.152
Catholic(s) 1.44 1.46 1.48 2.42 3.29
4.13 4.48
Cawdron, Thomas 7.79 7.98
Ceremony/Ceremonies 1.27 1.33 1.38 3.4 3.24
3.31 3.32 3.33 3.35 3.47
3.52 3.55 4.2 5.14 6.136
Chamberlain, Dr. 7.54
Charles I, King 5.1 5.20 6.32
Charles II, King 7.124
Chassey, William 7.74
Chessanion 2.17
Chicheley, Archbishop of Canterbury 2.37
Cherry, Robert 7.74
Christ 1.1 1.7 1.9 1.27 1.31
1.40 1.48 2.1 2.9 2.24
2.29 2.36 2.39 2.45 2.56
2.63 2.64 2.69 3.5 3.8
3.10 3.12 3.16 3.22 3.23
3.29 3.31 3.38 3.41 3.48
4.3 4.8 4.9 4.21 4.27
4.28 4.37 4.38 4.39 4.40
4.41 5.4 5.9 5.28 6.8
6.14 6.25 6.27 6.41 6.44
6.48 6.52 6.54 6.55 6.57
6.60 6.62 6.66 6.87 6.95
6.124 6.135 6.136 6.137 7.16
7.30 7.49 7.53 7.54 7.55
7.64 7.67 7.71 7.73 7.77
7.92 7.93 7.94 7.95 7.96
7.101 7.102 7.103 7.104 7.107
7.115 7.117 7.119 7.120 7.123
7.128 7.130 7.147
Christian(s) 1.13 1.17 1.20 1.21 1.38
1.39 1.40 1.42 1.46 1.47
1.49 1.50 1.51 2.2 2.3
2.6 2.9 2.13 2.14 2.15
2.26 2.27 3.5 3.6 3.23
4.8 4.28 4.33 4.37 4.38
5.9 5.20 6.60 6.97 6.100
6.115 6.121 6.130 6.131 6.134
6.135 6.141
Christian Liberty 2.79
Christianity 1.2 1.13 1.18 1.19 1.27
1.33 1.37 1.38 1.40 1.41
Christendom 1.47 4.6
Church of England 2.64 3.4 3.38 3.44 3.49
4.5 4.13 4.16 4.23 4.26
4.28 4.37 5.8 5.16 5.25
6.81 6.135 6.136 7.29 7.32
Church Government 1.39 6.135 7.6
Church Membership 2.45 4.29 6.79
Church of Rome 1.18 1.20 1.41 1.43 1.44
1.46 1.48 1.50 2.2 2.7
2.15 2.18 2.26 2.40 2.44
Clapham, Enoch 4.14 4.17
Clarendon, Lord 6.77
Clarke, John 6.126
Claxton 2.78
Clergy/Clergyman/Clergymen 5.30 5.31 6.11 7.51 7.55
7.56 7.130 7.132 7.152 7.154
Clifford, Sir Lewis 2.41
Clifton, Mr. R 4.2 4.8
Cludock, parish of 2.28 2.54
Cobbett, Thomas 4.29
Cobham, Lord 2.54 2.56 2.57 2.58 2.63
Cockes (Cox), Benjamin 6.58
Congregation(s) 2.65 3.16 3.28 3.36 4.16
4.17 4.18 5.4 5.6 5.11
5.15 5.21 6.5 6.16 6.17
6.24 6.25 6.45 6.48 6.56
6.57 6.65 6.67 6.86 6.93
6.112 7.61 7.73 7.93 7.127
7.136 7.139 7.141
Congregational 7.127 7.128
Collins, Hercules 5.10 5.11 5.17
Comby, William 7.70
Commons, House of ( see House of Commons)
Commonwealth 3.8 3.41 4.31 6.62 6.63
6.97 7.1 7.9 7.57 7.59
7.128 7.131 7.148
Consett, William 7.65 7.68 7.69 7.74 7.75
7.94 7.121
Cornwell, Mr. Francis 6.38 6.121 6.122
Confession of Faith 6.56 6.57 6.59 6.60 6.61
Conscience 1.46 2.78 3.21 3.55 3.56
4.13 4.25 4.26 4.30 4.31
4.32 4.34 5.5 6.32 6.60
6.62 6.80 6.93 6.95 6.97
6.124 7.2 7.5 7.7 7.11
7.20 7.30 7.32 7.45 7.56
7.123 7.128 7.134 7.145 7.154
Constance, City of 2.38
Constantine the Great 1.13 1.35 1.39 2.9
Constantius 1.38
Conventicle(s) 2.51 3.19 3.47 6.19 6.24
6.32 6.115
Cornwell, Mr. Francis 6.38 6.121 6.122
Cooper, Thomas 7.118
Court(s)/Coutier(s) 1.19 2.54 7.76 3.12 3.44
3.55 4.2 4.48 5.25 5.26
5.28 6.3 6.11 6.26 6.48
6.86 6.126 6.132 7.6 7.17
7.21 7.23 7.43 7.153
Court, John 7.99
Covenant(s) 4.4 4.9 4.39 4.40 4.41
5.11 6.38 6.49 6.87 6.90
Coverdale, Miles 3.33
Cradock, Walter 6.67 7.65
Cranmer, Bishop 3.11 3.20 3.23 3.24 6.22
Cranmer's Bible 2.79
Cressett, Edward 7.68
Cromwell, Oliver 6.15 6.110 6.115 6.116 7.1
7.44 7.53 7.59 7.60 7.128
7.134 7.135 7.143 7.144 7.146
7.148 7.149
Cressett, Edward 7.68
Cymry 2.28


de Bruis, Peter 2.14 2.19
de Laune, Dr. 3.38
Damnation 2.45
David, St. (dioceses) 2.28
Davye, Thomas 2.49 2.53
Day, Dr. 6.22
Death(s) 1.1 1.27 1.35 1.46 2.6
2.19 2.35 2.38 2.54 2.56
2.59 2.60 2.64 2.71 2.73
2.74 2.77 3.13 3.20 3.21
3.22 2.24 2.28 2.30 2.33
2.39 2.48 2.56 4.12 4.21
4.23 4.27 6.1 6.14 6.16
6.60 6.64 6.66 6.97 6.113
6.127 6.137 6.138 7.133 7.140
Decree(s)/Decreed 1.34 1.35 1.48 2.3 2.40
3.55 5.34 6.26 6.44 6.85
Delpt, Holland 2.74
Denne, Mr. Henry 6.35 6.36 6.37 6.105 6.107
Denmark 3.33
Denomination(s) 2.10 3.25 3.55 4.1 4.13
4.16 5.2 5.17 5.23 6.2
6.114 6.135 6.141 7.51 7.52
Denne, Mr. Henry 6.35 6.36 6.37 6.105 6.108
Devines 3.3 3.7 3.21 3.27 3.32
3.33 3.43 3.47 3.48 4.2
5.12 6.35 6.52 6.68 6.75
6.77 6.79 6.121 7.136 7.152
Dioclesian 1.7 1.12 1.13 1.38
Dipping 3.7 5.15 6.25 6.27 6.28
6.44 6.60 6.66 6.91 6.97
6.99 6.105
Dissenter(s)/Dissenting 2.36 2.54 2.64 2.78 2.79
3.21 3.31 3.36 3.45 3.55
4.16 4.21 4.26 4.28 5.3
5.4 5.13 5.15 5.16 5.21
5.25 5.32 5.34 6.2 6.85
6.109 7.56 7.125 7.127 7.137
Doctrine(s) 1.20 1.27 2.4 2.7 2.8
2.11 2.20 2.34 2.38 2.42
2.47 2.54 2.61 2.65 2.77
3.23 3.38 4.2 4.13 4.31
4.45 4.46 5.14 5.16 5.20
6.20 6.23 6.24 6.34 6.41
6.81 6.91 6.95 6.120 6.121
7.48 7.49 7.64 7.146
Dogmas 3.55
Doyley, Robert 7.69
Drake, Roger 6.94
Draper, William 7.65 7.75 7.80 7.94 7.121
Dulcinus 2.5
Duret,Christopher 6.58
Dutch 2.41 2.74 3.36 3.38 4.29
5.15 6.56
Dutchman/Dutchmen 3.20 3.36 4.15
Dutton, John 6.89
Dyke, Daniel 7.52 7.138


Edward VI 2.77 3.1 3.18 3.24 3.28
3.33 5.12 6.75
Edwards, Mr. 6.44
Elizabeth I, Queen 3.31 3.39 3.42 3.48 3.56
5.12 6.4 6.7 6.32
Eleutherius 1.9 1.10
Elder(s)/Eldership 4.21 6.45 6.94 6.132 7.65
Ely 2.65
Endicot, Govenor/Judge 6.126 6.138
Episcopal/Episcopacy/Episcopalian(s) 6.1 6.28 6.75 6.77 6.78
6.85 6.135
Erasmus 2.38
Essex 6.101 6.102 6.104 7.139
Ethelbert, King 1.11 1.19 1.22
Everinus 2.24
Excommunication/Excommunicate 2.58 3.9 3.26 3.42 3.47
4.20 5.32 5.34
Execution 1.31 3.11 3.43 3.48 6.39
6.108 6.127 7.135 7.152
Exeter 3.33
Exorcism 3.7
Exposition(s) 4.32 7.124
Eyethorn 5.2


Fairfax, Sir Thomas 6.39
Feak, Mr. 7.54 7.58 7.59 7.128 7.149
Featley, Dr. 6.28 6.32 6.37 6.49 6.59
Fenson, Lieu. Col. 7.54
Fifth-monarchy 7.55 7.130 7.134 7.149
Fleetwood, General 7.38 7.149 7.150
Flint, Mr. (magistrate) 6.126 6.127
Fox, John 2.40 2.49 2.51 3.34 3.35
France 1.14 2.4 2.5 2.9 2.12
2.14 4.30 7.128
Frith 2.52
Fuller, Dr 2.20


Gainsborough 4.2
George, David 3.21 3.27
Geoffrey of Monmouth 1.27
Gerhardus 2.5
Gerhard, bishop of Cambray 2.21
Germany 2.29 2.62 3.6
Germans 3.5
Gildas 1.7 1.12 1.15 1.36 1.38
Giles, St. (church) 2.19
Gloucestershire 3.14 6.25
Goare, Thomas 6.58
Goodricke, Dr. 6.22
Godwin, Bishop 2.30
Goodwin, John 6.43
Gospel 1.1 1.2 1.7 1.10 1.20
1.27 1.37 2.1 2.3 2.5
2.24 2.31 2.41 3.4 3.13
3.29 3.32 3.44 4.9 5.11
6.22 6.53 6.54 6.90 6.97
6.114 6.116 6.124 6.128 7.67
7.71 7.92 7.102 7.117 7.123
7.128 7.147
Government 1.39 3.2 3.18 3.42 4.8
4.9 5.25 6.36 6.43 6.55
6.61 6.63 6.86 6.87 6.89
6.94 6.111 6.112 6.123 6.132
6.135 6.136 6.139 7.1 7.6
7.12 7.13 7.26 7.27 7.28
7.30 7.36 7.46 7.51 7.57
7.58 7.61 7.94 7.125 7.127
7.128 7.131 7.132 7.133 7.143
Grace 1.9 2.42 2.67 2.73 3.38
4.42 4.2 4.18 4.27 4.30
4.41 5.14 6.93 7.67 7.78
Grantham, Thomas 4.45
Graves, Richard 7.70
Gray, bishop of Ely 2.65
Great Swaffham 2.65
Green, Mr. 5.6
Green, Edward 7.74
Greene, Mr. J 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.22 6.24
Greenwood 3.44 3.48
Grenn, Edward 7.69
Grigg, Henry 7.69
Grindal, Bishop 3.33
Gulsborne, Robert 2.5
Gundulphus 2.21
Gunne, Thomas 6.58


Haines, Dr. 6.22
Hall, Bishop 4.5 4.6
Hammond, Dr 6.84
Hardish, James 7.100
Harman, John 7.68
Harrington, John 6.107
Harrison, Anthony 7.99
Harrison, Edward 7.118
Harrison, Major General 7.59 7.133
Hartfield (in Sussex) 2.30
Helwisse, Thomas 4.11 4.20 4.21 4.27 5.22
Henry II 2.5 2.6
Henry III 2.14
Henry IV 2.40
Henry V 2.54
Henry VIII 2.66 2.77 3.34 4.27
Herbert, Lord 2.75
Hereford 2.28 2.48 2.55
Herefordshire 2.27 2.28 2.30
Heresy/Heresies 2.4 2.14 2.51 2.65 2.67
2.69 3.9 3.13 3.14 3.20
3.30 3.38 3.53 4.22 6.32
6.38 6.40 6.60 6.112 6.140
Heretic(s)/Heretical 1.48 2.6 2.7 2.35 2.43
2.69 2.75 2.77 3.9 3.10
3.26 3.39 3.47 3.55 6.31
6.78 6.81 6.86 6.137 6.138
Herring, Mr. 6.17
High Commission 3.55 4.2 5.25 6.3
Highland, Justice 7.54
Hildersham 4.2
Hills, Henry 7.118
Hobson, Paul 5.6 6.50 6.58
Holbecke, Dr. 6.22
Holland, Lincolne 6.107
Holland (Netherlands) 2.71 2.74 3.27 3.41 3.55
4.1 4.2 4.8 4.17 4.21
5.15 5.20 6.16 6.17
Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost 2.67 3.7 3.16 4.8 4.31
6.14 6.127
Holmes, Obadiah 6.124 6.126 6.127 6.132
Holmes,Thomas 6.58
Howe, Samuel (Cobbler) 5.34 6.11 6.12 6.14 6.141
House of Commons 5.30 6.38 6.40
Hubbard, Mr. (or Herbert) 6.34
Humphreys, Dr. 3.35
Hunn, Joseph 2.74
Huss, John 2.38 2.62
Hussites 2.38
Hutchinson, Edward 5.11 5.17
Hypocrite 2.75 6.130 6.133 7.145 7.152


Independent(s) 5.4 6.78 7.6 7.51
Inquisition 3.9 3.55
Images 3.3
Immersion 1.44 1.46 2.64 4.3 5.8
5.15 5.19 5.20 6.25 6.66
6.76 6.97 6.98 6.99 6.105
Ipswich 3.29
Ireland 1.41 4.30 7.1 7.38 7.39
7.60 7.61 7.62 7.75 7.77
7.93 7.102 7.117 7.121 7.122
7.124 7.129
Islip, Dr. Simon 2.31 2.32
Israel/Israelite(s) 4.39 6.99 6.132 6.133 7.90
7.91 7.117
Italy 2.4 2.5 2.12 2.14 2.21


Jackson, Arthur 6.94
Jacob, Henry 5.4 6.64
Jail/Jailor (Gaol) 6.52 6.91 6.108
James I, King 4.13 4.25 4.26 4.30 4.32
5.1 5.2 6.32
Jarrat, Anne (of Spalding) 6.107
John, King of England 2.12
Johnson, Mr. 4.2 4.17
Jones, Henry 7.100 7.123
Jerome of Prague 2.38
Jerusalem 1.2 4.27 4.39 7.91
Jesuit 6.32
Jesus Christ 3.48 4.28 4.40 4.41 6.8
6.52 6.54 6.60 6.62 6.87
6.124 6.136 7.30 7.49 7.95
7.96 7.147
Jessey, Mr. Henry 6.16 6.64 6.65 6.66 6.67
6.123 7.52 7.54
Jew(s)/Jewish 3.11 4.38 4.39 6.99 6.136
Judge(s) 2.15 2.77 2.78 4.26 4.30
6.30 6.48 6.77 6.97 6.121
6.126 7.73 7.139
Judged 3.33 4.22 4.25 4.31 6.22
Judgement(s) 6.28
Julius of Carlisle 1.38


Kent 1.19 3.10 3.13 3.21 3.26
Kent, Joan of 3.26 5.2
Kiffin, William 5.2 5.6 5.15 5.17 5.18
5.26 6.29 6.53 6.58 6.123
6.124 7.15 7.60 7.76 7.118
Kilicop, Thomas 6.58
Kingdom of Heaven 1.48
Knollys, Hansard 6.51 6.53 6.54 6.58 6.67
6.89 6.90 6.123 7.54
Knott, John 5.2
Knyhton 2.34


Lamb, Mr. 6.45 6.46 6.48 6.49
Lambert, Lord 7.38 7.38 7.40
Lambeth Palace 2.37
Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury 2.4
Larke, Samuel 7.69
Lathorp, John 5.4 5.18 5.21
Latimer, Bishop 2.77
Laud, Archbishop 5.25 5.27 6.48
Law(s) 1.9 1.32 1.40 2.63 2.64
2.72 3.9 3.41 3.44 3.51
3.53 3.56 4.25 4.26 4.42
5.25 5.32 6.4 6.8 6.39
6.46 6.55 6.62 6.71 6.72
6.82 6.112 6.116 6.132 6.137
7.4 7.26 7.50 7.93 7.130
7.135 7.152 7.153
Lawful(ness) 3.22 3.38 4.27 6.30 6.36
6.60 6.61 6.62 6.93 6.133
Le Barbier, Denis 6.58
Legate, Bartholomew 4.22
Leigh, Richard 7.98
Leigh, William 7.98
Leinwardine (in Herefordshire) 2.51
Lenthal, Sir John 6.6 6.28
Leyden 4.1 4.12
Liberty 2.15 2.36 2.79 3.32 5.5
6.2 6.15 6.42 6.47 6.48
5.56 6.62 6.80 6.83 6.89
6.93 6.95 6.97 6.124 6.134
6.139 6.140 6.141 7.5 7.27
7.28 7.30 7.31 7.45 7.46
7.49 7.50 7.56 7.117 7.128
7.130 7.141
Lightfoot, Dr. 6.76
Lilburn, John 6.29
Lilburne, Mr. 5.25
Lincolnshire 4.2 4.6
Litchfield 4.22
Llaudaff 2.28
Lollard, Walter 2.14 2.26
Lollards 2.14 2.26 2.32 2.37 2.40
2.54 2.65 2.74 4.23
London 1.8 1.14 1.42 1.50 2.42
2.42 2.60 2.61 3.16 3.19
3.23 3.27 3.28 3.33 3.36
3.38 3.47 3.50 4.21 4.36
4.42 5.2 5.4 5.15 5.21
5.22 5.26 5.31 6.14 7.54
Lord Protector (see Protector, Lord)
Lord's Supper, The 2.73 6.48
Lucius, King of Britain 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12
Luke, Sir Samuel 6.50
Luther, Martin 2.38 2.62 2.73 3.6 5.12
Lutherans 3.28


Mabbitt, John 6.58
Mackernesse, John 6.107
Magistrates 2.77 2.78 3.45 3.53 6.32
6.44 6.60 6.62 6.97 6.101
6.102 6.103 6.108 6.115 6.126
6.128 6.129 6.130 6.133 6.134
Manwaring, Ralph 7.70
Marler, Mr. 6.24
Marely, James 7.100
Martial (ancient autor) 1.3 1.5
Mary, Queen 3.13 3.25 3.26 3.28 3.30
3.31 3.33 3.34
Marshall, Edward 7.98
Marshall, Mr. 6.73
Maximian 1.38
Merry, Robert 7.98
Methodist 2.75
Middleburg 4.1
Mildmay, John 7.74
Miles, John 7.64 7.67 7.72
Ministry 1.17 2.17 2.28 3.31 3.52
4.8 4.9 4.17 5.25 6.14
6.22 6.94 6.115 7.51 7.73
7.123 7.130 7.136 7.140
Monarch/Monarchy 2.36 5.1 6.2 7.38 7.55
7.57 7.128 7.130 7.134 7.149
Monmouth 2.28 2.54 2.59
Montpelier, city of 2.17
More, Mr. Stephen 6.6 6.16
More, Thomas, Bishop of Tonstall 3.14
Morton, John 4.11
Munden, Thomas 6.58
Munster 6.28 7.152


New England 4.24 4.29 6.14 6.71 6.130
Newgate 3.48
Newton, Bishop 2.32
Nice, Coucil of 1.14
Nonconformist(s) 1.41 1.43 1.44 5.20 6.17
Nottinghamshire 4.2
Norfolk 3.50 3.55
Norvel, Mr. (magistrate) 6.126 6.127
Nye, Philip 6.67


Oates, Samuel 6.101 6.103 6.104
Olchon, Baptist church of 2.28
Olchon 2.29 2.30 2.47 2.48 2.54
Oldcastle, Sir John 2.27 2.54 2.59 2.61
Oldcastle, Thomas 2.51
Ordinances 2.45
Origen 1.12
Owen, Dr. John 6.99
Oxford 2.31 3.14 6.13 6.35


Papacy 2.2
Papist 2.76 3.13 4.31 6.78 6.115
Paris, Matthew 2.4 2.14
Parish(es)/Parishoner(s) 2.28 2.30 2.54 2.79 3.33
5.32 5.34 6.11 6.20 6.32
6.70 6.112 6.115 6.126 7.52
7.59 7.127 7.136 7.138 7.140
7.141 7.142 7.152
Parliment 2.35 2.75 2.79 3.18 3.24
4.30 4.32 4.33 6.1 6.3
6.15 6.22 6.26 6.28 6.39
6.40 6.41 6.43 6.44 6.46
6.47 6.57 6.59 6.62 6.71
6.80 6.86 6.87 6.88 6.89
6.109 6.112 6.114 6.115 6.116
6.117 6.118 7.1 7.5 7.33
7.34 7.35 7.36 7.37 7.38
Parliment, Long 5.25 5.26
Parliment, Little (Barebones Parliment) 6.115 6.117
Parr, Catherine 2.76
Patient, Thomas 6.58 7.61 7.62 7.78 7.86
7.88 7.100 7.123
Paulinas 1.30
Pierce 3.13
Pedobaptists 5.8 5.16
Pelagius 1.31 1.44 1.48 1.49
Pelagians 2.30 2.67
Penry 2.27 3.44
Perry, John 7.118
Persecution 1.7 1.12 1.38 2.2 2.3
2.35 2.48 2.65 3.2 3.10
3.14 3.27 3.29 3.31 3.49
4.14 4.20 4.21 4.24 4.25
4.27 4.28 4.31 5.5 5.20
6.23 6.41 6.56 6.91 6.130
6.132 6.141
Perseverance 4.45
Petre, Lord 6.35
Petre, Sir William 3.9
Petrobrusians 2.14 2.18
Petre Sir William 3.9
Philpot 3.26
Picts 1.40
Piedmont 2.21
Plague 3.33
Politics/Political/Politician(s) 6.61 6.117 7.51 7.53 7.134
7.151 7.152
Pope 2.36
Pope Pius II 2.3
Popery 2.1 2.20 2.29 2.30 2.31
2.53 2.54 2.79 3.2 3.3
3.15 3.21 3.24 3.34 3.56
5.28 5.32 6.135 7.49
Powell, Vavasor 6.114 7.58 7.59 7.65
Powys, Lord 2.59
Prague 2.11
Prague, Jerome 2.38
Pratt, John 7.99
Prayer(s) 2.34 3.7 3.9 3.44 3.47
4.2 5.14 5.29 6.4 6.7
6.22 6.24 6.49 6.65 6.128
7.6 7.51 7.65 7.67 7.92
7.102 7.116 7.117 7.123 7.131
Prichard, Humphrey 7.99
Priest(s)/Priesthood 1.29 1.38 1.40 2.22 2.24
2.35 2.65 3.31 3.41 4.32
6.22 6.52 6.85 7.6
Prince(s) 1.19 3.1 3.24 4.13 4.30
4.31 4.31 4.33 4.48 5.12
6.8 7.43
Princess 3.30 3.40 3.42
Protestant/Protestants 2.29 2.37 2.46 2.54
2.79 3.9 3.13 3.31 3.45
4.14 4.23 4.48 5.3 5.4
5.12 5.28
Preach/Preached 1.2 1.22 1.24 1.29 1.37
2.31 2.51 2.54 2.65 2.75
2.76 3.3 3.4 3.33 4.23
6.4 6.7 6.11 6.22 6.23
6.24 6.34 6.39 6.40 6.45
6.46 6.48 6.50 6.52 6.53
6.68 6.72 6.91 6.101 6.114
6.116 7.58 7.61 7.127 7.136
7.140 7.142
Preacher(s) 2.5 2.11 2.14 2.19 2.47
2.55 2.65 3.4 3.16 3.34
3.35 5.34 6.18 6.21 6.22
6.29 6.32 6.45 6.48 6.60
6.71 6.97 6.101 6.114 6.115
6.120 7.123 7.127 7.136 7.152
Preaching/Preachment 1.27 2.34 2.51 2.65 3.5
3.16 6.15 6.18 6.18 6.19
6.20 6.22 6.24 6.35 6.48
6.50 6.54 6.91 6.105 6.114
6.116 7.135 7.141 7.152
Predestination 4.2 4.45
Prelate(s) 2.63 5.25 6.42 6.93
Presbyterian/Presbterial/Presbyterian/Presbytery 3.47 5.12 6.39 6.75 6.77
6.85 6.87 6.88 6.89 6.101
6.135 6.140 7.6 7.51
Proctector, Lord 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.28 7.51
7.57 7.58 7.59 7.60 7.62
7.128 7.131 7.133 7.134 7.135
7.136 7.146
Proselyte(s) 3.5 6.120
Proud, Thomas 7.64
Prynne 5.25 6.43 6.94 6.110 6.112
Publicani, the 2.5 2.6
Puritan(s) 2.75 2.79 3.33 3.44 4.1
4.13 4.15 4.16 4.24 4.31
5.3 6.17 6.85 6.135
Puritanism 3.53 3.56


Rainerius 2.25
Raworth, Mr. 7.54
Redman, Dr. 6.22
Reinerus, Sancho 2.10
Reinhar 2.34
Reformation, the 2.33 2.37 2.62 2.64 2.71
3.4 3.24 3.47 3.55 4.28
5.8 7.152
Reformer(s) 2.42 2.53 3.2 3.4 3.8
3.15 3.20 6.75 6.135
Reginaldus 2.21
Religion, Religion's 1.12 1.16 1.18 1.36 1.38
1.39 1.40 2.9 2.42 2.50
2.56 3.2 3.6 3.23 3.30
3.34 3.56 4.18 4.25 4.26
4.29 4.31 4.48 6.12 6.40
6.42 6.63 6.95 6.97 6.114
6.120 6.122 6.130 6.135 6.136
7.47 7.48 7.49 7.55 7.56
7.134 7.151 7.152 7.153 7.154
Repent/Repentance 3.13 3.16 3.17 3.41 4.16
4.28 6.40 6.127 7.42 7.147
Reprobation 4.45
Reynolds 3.48
Resurrection 5.15 6.66 6.127
Restoration, The (of Charles II) 6.26 7.124 7.142 7.151 7.153
Richard I 2.12
Richard II 2.38 2.48 2.51
Richardson, Mr. Samuel 6.37 6.58
Ridley, Bishop 3.4 3.19 3.23 6.22
Ringston, Robert 7.98
Roberts, Edward 7.68 7.69 7.75 7.78 7.100
Robinson, Mr. 4.2 4.5 4.6 4.12 4.21
Rochester 2.55
Rogers, John 3.13
Rogers, Mr. 7.54 7.58 7.128 7.149
Rome 1.4 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.32
1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.46
1.48 1.50 2.2 2.7 2.9
2.10 2.15 2.18 2.24 2.26
2.35 2.40 2.66 3.4 3.44
4.8 4.25
Roote, Godfrey 6.107
Row, John 7.98
Row, Peter 7.70 7.75 7.79 7.98
Ruffina, Claudia 1.3 1.4 1.5


Salisbury 3.35
Saltonstall, Sir Richard 6.129 6.131 6.134
Salvation 1.2 1.17 1.21 1.45 1.49
1.68 4.4 4.9 4.41 7.67
Sacrament/Sacraments 1.48 2.7 2.17 2.21 2.22
2.24 2.38 2.49 2.67 2.68
2.69 2.76 5.16 5.20 5.28
Sacramentarians 2.72 2.73
Saltonstall, Sir Richard 6.129 6.131 6.134
Sands, William 7.100
Sansom, Joseph 7.118
Satan 7.93 7.94 7.117
Saube, Catherine 2.17
Sault, William 7.100
Sautry, William 4.23
Saxson(s) 1.15 1.18 1.22 1.32 1.40
Schism(s)/Schismatic(s) 1.41 6.41 6.49 6.78 6.81
6.86 6.93 7.154
School(s) 2.11
Schoolmaster(s) 6.114
Scott, Nicolas 7.100
Scotland 1.41 7.6 7.17 7.39 7.94
Scots/Scotch 1.40 6.87 6.88 7.2 7.3
Scripture(s) 1.9 1.17 1.33 1.38 2.50
2.63 2.79 3.4 3.6 3.8
3.12 3.22 3.47 4.31 4.37
4.42 4.44 4.45 5.14 6.14
6.25 6.27 6.30 6.42 6.65
6.66 6.79 6.81 6.82 7.47
7.58 7.67 7.71 7.91 7.123
Scutts, Peter 7.69
Sect(s)/Sectaries 1.44 1.48 2.5 2.10 2.12
2.18 2.24 2.25 2.32 2.44
2.71 2.77 3.5 3.21 2.41
2.55 4.5 4.6 4.14 4.19
4.28 5.33 6.4 6.11 6.24
6.28 6.32 6.34 6.39 6.41
6.44 6.56 6.81 6.86 6.87
6.89 6.93 6.115 6.123 7.51
7.126 7.127 7.145 7.149 7.154
Seely, William and James 2.74
Separatists 5.33 6.24 6.56 6.115 7.2
Sermon(s) 2.77 3.4 3.9 5.28 6.10
6.11 6.24 6.40 6.41 6.52
6.68 6.73 6.114 6.115 6.126
7.51 7.124
Seymour, Lord 3.4
Shelson, Thomas 7.98
Shoreditch 6.11
Sigismund, King of Poland 3.24
Simpson, Mr. 7.54 7.58 7.128
Skip, Dr. 6.22
Smithfield 2.53 2.74 3.20 3.36 3.43
Smith, Anne 6.107
Smith Sir Thomas 3.9
Smyth, John 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
4.6 4.7 4.8 4.10 4.12
4.17 4.20 4.21 5.9 5.10
Socinians 4.15 7.135
Southwark 6.4 6.28 6.34
Sovereign/Sovereignty 1.32 6.32 6.88 6.117
Sowter, John 6.107
Spain 2.5 2.9 7.128
Sparkling, Thomas 7.98
Spencer, Captain 5.6
Speed 1.5 1.13
Spencer, Mr. 6.22 6.24
Spilsbury, John 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.18 5.21
6.58 6.124 7.60 7.76
Stafford, Joseph 6.68 6.74 7.68 7.74
Star-chamber, court of 3.55 5.25 5.26 6.3 6.48
Statute(s) 2.9 6.4 6.7 6.44 7.4
Stayner, Robert 7.70
Stennet, Anne 6.107
Strabo, Walafridus 1.44
Strong, Adrian 7.100
Suffolk 3.29 6.53 6.89 6.91 6.91
Swinderby, William 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.51 2.53
Sylvester, bishop of Rome 2.9 2.10
Sylvius, Aeneas 2.3


Tailor, Dr. 6.22
Tawksby, Joseph 2.74
Taylor, Dr. Jeremy (Bishop of Down and Connor) 6.83
Thomas, Arnold 7.99 7.123
Thomas, John 7.98
Thomas, Joshua (of Leominster) 2.27 2.29 2.31 2.47 2.54
Thomas, Joshua 7.66 7.73 7.74
Thrilby, Dr. 6.22
Thurloe, Secretary 7.60 7.61 7.133
Tipping, George 6.58
Tithe(s) 3.31 7.34 7.55 7.127
Tombes, John 6.68 6.69 6.71 6.75 6.121
6.122 5.72
Tor Woort, Henry 3.43
Torture(s) 2.76 6.60
Transubstantiation 2.7 3.31
Tredwell, Richard 7.118
Trevnant or Trefnant, bishop of Hereford 2.47
Tertullian 1.12
Tull, Samuel 7.74
Twidle, Lord 7.2 7.3
Tyburn 3.48
Tyndal 2.27 2.52
Tyndale, William 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.33


Unlawful(ness) 2.42 4.16 4.21 4.25 6.112


van-Pare, George 3.20
Vane, Sir Henry 7.149
Vernon, John 7.78 7.88 7.93
Vicecomes, Joseph 2.42
Vow (see Avow)


Walden, Thomas 2.42 2.43
Waldensian 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.12
2.14 2.26 5.20
Waldenses 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.8
2.9 2.10 2.12 2.13 2.14
2.17 2.18 2.20 2.25
Waldus, Peter 2.9
Wales 1.14 1.15 1.106 1.18 1.28
1.40 1.41 2.27 2.48 2.51
2.58 3.15 4.30 6.114 6.115
7.63 7.72 7.75 7.94 7.116
7.119 7.129
Walker, George 6.94
Walsingham 2.41 2.43
Wall, John 5.9
Wandsworth 3.47
Wapping 5.10 5.18 5.21
Westminster 5.25 5.26
Westminster Assembly of Divines 6.75 6.77 6.78 6.79 6.87
Wenceslaus, King of Bohemia 2.38
Wickliffe, John also (Wycliffe) 2.11 2.31 2.32 2.34 2.35
2.38 2.39 2.42 2.43 2.44
2.52 2.54 2.55 2.61 2.62
Wickliffites 2.35 2.78
Wielmaker, John 3.43
Wightman, Edward 4.22 4.23
Wilson, Thomas 5.6
White, Thomas 7.118
Whitgift, Bishop 4.13
William the Conqueror 2.4
William of Newbury 2.5
William Rufus 2.4
Williams, Mr. Roger 6.14 6.136 6.137 6.138 6.139
6.140 6.141
Whitney (in Herefordshire) 2.51
Wood, Richard 7.99
Woodman 3.26
Worship 1.18 1.27 1.39 2.13 2.65
3.4 3.8 3.44 3.55 4.8
4.9 4.21 4.30 4.37 5.9
5.14 5.34 6.6 6.7 6.60
6.62 6.68 6.87 6.90 6.116
6.126 6.130 6.132 6.133 6.134
6.137 7.4 7.6 7.49
Wright, Robert 3.50
Wyke, Andrew 6.91 6.92


York 1.14 5.31
Yorkshire 3.33 4.2


Zeal/Zealous 1.19 1.20 1.31 1.35 2.15
2.30 2.54 2.75 2.78 2.79
3.32 3.33 3.47 4.15 4.22
5.34 6.4 6.15 6.19 6.48
6.87 6.108 6.114 6.116 6.122
7.91 7.93 7.128
Zurich 6.44